by Rich Benvin | Mar 14, 2020 | Health, Resources, Uncategorized
The Dos and Don’ts of ‘Social Distancing’ Experts weigh in on whether you should cancel your dates, dinner parties, and gym sessions. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued guidelines for “community mitigation strategies” to limit the spread of...
by Rich Benvin | Mar 5, 2020 | Health, Resources
A Coronavirus Danger: Touching your Face. Here is How to Stop Doing It We all touch our face. With this new coronavirus outbreak, how do we stop? Touching our faces is a real health risk. So in this new world, not only is nose picking thought to be gross, but so is...
by Rich Benvin | Feb 12, 2020 | Resources
Sleep Is Your Superpower Sleep is your life-support system and Mother Nature’s best effort yet at immortality, says sleep scientist Matt Walker. In this deep dive into the science of slumber, Walker shares the wonderfully good things that happen when you get...
by Rich Benvin | Feb 3, 2020 | Anti-Aging, Fitness, Health, Resources
Keeping Aging Muscles Fit Is Tied to Better Heart Health Later For men at least, entering middle age with plenty of muscle may lower the later risk of developing heart disease by more than 80 percent. How much muscle you have now could indicate how healthy your heart...
by Rich Benvin | Jun 11, 2019 | Anti-Aging, Cellular Health, Health, Nutrition, Resources
Can a Vitamin Combo Prolong Your Life? Vitamins are nutrients that when synthesized or assimilated in the right quantities support our health and well-being. A new review suggests that a set of known and newly categorized vitamins can help prolong a person’s...
by Rich Benvin | Apr 22, 2019 | Health, Nutrition, Resources
This Genetic Mutation Makes People Feel Full — All the Time Two new studies confirm that weight control is often the result of genetics, not willpower. The study subjects had been thin all their lives, and not because they had unusual metabolisms. They just did not...
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